The underlined word means...
A. stars that fall to the earth
B. loos of food because of flooding
C. the attck of wild animals from the jungle
D. suffering or death caused by lack of food
#Jawab dengan bukti kalimat dalam text​ In the past, a remote village in central China was inhabited mainly by farmers. One day, a poor farmer lost all his livestock to a flood. He prayed hard to God for help. He did not want to die of starvation. A few days later, an elderly man, with a long gray beard, pitied him. He gave him a goose and said, "I do not have any expensive things to give you I hope this goose will help you." A week later, the farmer was surprised to find eggs in his yard. These were not ordinary eggs. There were golden eggs. He was suddenly overcome with joy. After that, his life had risen rapidly, therefore the farmer forgot his initial difficulties. He became lazy, arrogant, ad extravagant. Oddly enough, the goose only laid golden eggs every six months. The greedy farmer lost his patience and slaughtered his gose by thinking there must be more golden eggs in his stomach. Though he deeply regretted his stupidity, it was too late.Pembahasan16. According to the text, we may infer that the old man regretted his act of kidness. (Jawaban B)Keterangan:Bukti Kalimat "The greedy farmer lost his patience and slaughtered his gose by thinking there must be more golden eggs in his stomach. Though he deeply regretted his stupidity, it was too late."Yang artinya "Petani yang rakus kehilangan kesabarannya dan membantai jalannya dengan berpikir pasti ada lebih banyak telur emas di perutnya. Meskipun dia sangat menyesali kebodohannya, itu sudah terlambat."Jadi, kita bisa menyimpulkan bahwa ia menyesali perbuatannya yang kekanakan, yaitu tidak sabar dan melakukan hal bodoh.17. What happened after the farmer's life got better?Jawaban A. He became lazy,arrogant,and extravagantKeterangan:Bukti Kalimat "After that, his life had risen rapidly, therefore the farmer forgot his initial difficulties. He became lazy, arrogant, ad extravagant."Yang artinya "Setelah itu, kehidupannya meningkat pesat, oleh karena itu petani tersebut melupakan kesulitan awalnya. Dia menjadi malas, sombong, dan boros"Jadi, dia mengalami peningkatan tapi dia jadi malas sombong dan boros.18. "He did not want to die of s̲t̲a̲r̲v̲a̲t̲i̲o̲n̲" (Paragraph 1). The underlined word means suffering or death caused by lack of food. (Jawaban D)Keterangan:Bukti "die of starvation" = mati kelaparanMati kelaparan adalah penderitaan atau kematian yang disebabkan oleh kekurangan makanan.Jadi, sesuai dengan opsi DPelajari lebih lanjutReading ComprehensionNo. 14-15: 19-22: jawabanKelas: 9Mapel: B. InggrisMateri: ReadingKode: 9.5">

Tolong dibantu kk cicih

1. dijawab oleh : cicih23

  • In the past, a remote village in central China was inhabited mainly by farmers. One day, a poor farmer lost all his livestock to a flood. He prayed hard to God for help. He did not want to die of starvation.
  • A few days later, an elderly man, with a long gray beard, pitied him. He gave him a goose and said, "I do not have any expensive things to give you I hope this goose will help you."
  • A week later, the farmer was surprised to find eggs in his yard. These were not ordinary eggs. There were golden eggs. He was suddenly overcome with joy.
  • After that, his life had risen rapidly, therefore the farmer forgot his initial difficulties. He became lazy, arrogant, ad extravagant. Oddly enough, the goose only laid golden eggs every six months. The greedy farmer lost his patience and slaughtered his gose by thinking there must be more golden eggs in his stomach. Though he deeply regretted his stupidity, it was too late.


16. According to the text, we may infer that the old man regretted his act of kidness. (Jawaban B)


  • Bukti Kalimat "The greedy farmer lost his patience and slaughtered his gose by thinking there must be more golden eggs in his stomach. Though he deeply regretted his stupidity, it was too late."
  • Yang artinya "Petani yang rakus kehilangan kesabarannya dan membantai jalannya dengan berpikir pasti ada lebih banyak telur emas di perutnya. Meskipun dia sangat menyesali kebodohannya, itu sudah terlambat."

Jadi, kita bisa menyimpulkan bahwa ia menyesali perbuatannya yang kekanakan, yaitu tidak sabar dan melakukan hal bodoh.

17. What happened after the farmer's life got better?

Jawaban A. He became lazy,arrogant,and extravagant


  • Bukti Kalimat "After that, his life had risen rapidly, therefore the farmer forgot his initial difficulties. He became lazy, arrogant, ad extravagant."
  • Yang artinya "Setelah itu, kehidupannya meningkat pesat, oleh karena itu petani tersebut melupakan kesulitan awalnya. Dia menjadi malas, sombong, dan boros"

Jadi, dia mengalami peningkatan tapi dia jadi malas sombong dan boros.

18. "He did not want to die of s̲t̲a̲r̲v̲a̲t̲i̲o̲n̲" (Paragraph 1). The underlined word means suffering or death caused by lack of food. (Jawaban D)


  • Bukti "die of starvation" = mati kelaparan
  • Mati kelaparan adalah penderitaan atau kematian yang disebabkan oleh kekurangan makanan.

Jadi, sesuai dengan opsi D

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Reading Comprehension

Detail jawaban

Kelas: 9

Mapel: B. Inggris

Materi: Reading

Kode: 9.5

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